
Chris George, Pastor
Chris is a graduate of Samford University, Harvard Divinity School and received the Doctor of Ministry from Methodist Theological School of Ohio.
Chris loves hearing and telling the stories of God at work in the past and present, and leading people into God’s good future. He and his wife, Jennifer, have four children. Chris has served as the Pastor at Smoke Rise since April 2013.

Becky Caswell-Speight, Minister of Families and Faith Formation
Becky is from Louisville, KY. She received her B.A. in Religion from Georgetown College and her Master of Divinity from the Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond. She finds joy in creating new ways for young families to experience God’s love together. Outside of church Becky spends most of her time with her husband Josh and chasing after their two girls Ainsley and Evelyn.

Mitzi Ethridge-Cantrell, Pastoral Care Associate
Mitzi has been a lifelong member of Smoke Rise Baptist Church, where she was baptized as a child. She holds a B.S. in Middle Grades Education from Mercer University, along with a master’s and specialist degree in education. After retiring from a long career as an ESOL teacher, Mitzi felt called to ministry and earned a master’s degree in Christian Spiritual Formation and Leadership from Friends University. She was ordained into ministry in 2023 and now serves as Pastoral Care Associate, bringing her deep love for God and others to her role.

Page Fulgham, Missions Associate
Page has a Bachelor of Arts from Baylor University and a Master of Divinity and a Doctorate of Theology from Southwestern Seminary. He has served in pastoral ministry for 35 years as associate minister of Morningside Baptist Church (Atlanta), and senior pastorates at First Baptist Church, Cordele, First Baptist, Lawrenceville, and Sylvan Hills Baptist Church (Atlanta). Page also has 13 years of executive and mission-focused ministry leadership experience including serving as assistant vice president of development at McAfee School of Theology, director of development for Honduras Outreach, Inc., and chief operations officer with the Atlanta Mission.

Bart McNiel, Associate Pastor of Administration, Ministry Support and Congregational Care
Bart is a graduate of The University of Mobile and Florida State University, obtaining degrees in Psychology, Religion, and Law. He is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry in Congregational Health from Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas. Bart is passionate about congregational life and care. He enjoys helping people experience God’s love in word, worship and work.
Bart likes poetry, music, and movies. He enjoys family fun days with his wife, Stacey McNiel, and their two young girls.

James Smith, Pastoral Care Associate
Jim is a graduate of Oklahoma Baptist and Phillips Universities as well as Southwestern and Midwestern Seminaries. He has further certification from Princeton Seminary, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Canon Trust School, and Resource Development, Inc. Smith has been an adjunct professor for both Midwestern and Minsk Baptist Theological Seminary, Minsk, Belarus.
A native of Oklahoma, Smith has served churches in Oklahoma, Texas and Missouri and served as Executive Vice President of the Baptist Foundation of Oklahoma, and President of the Missouri and Cooperative Baptist Foundations. Jim has a passion for prayer and missions and an interest in people and their family stories. He and his wife, Debra, enjoy travel and have a son, daughter and five grandchildren.

Danny Vancil, Minister of Music & Worship
Danny became the Minister of Worship & Music at Smoke Rise Baptist Church in May, 2006. A native of Illinois, Danny received a Bachelor of Arts in Music degree from Murray State University (1986) and a Master of Church Music from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (1989). Danny loves creating thoughtful worship that utilizes both traditional and modern elements while maintaining historic Baptist values.

Hannah Vassar, Minister of Youth and Congregational Connection
Hannah has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from LSU-Shreveport and Master’s degree in Social Work for LSU. She then attended Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University to recieve her Master’s of Divinity. She’s worked as a resident chaplain at Baylor, a youth program assistant at Mission Waco/Mission World, and served on staff at First Baptist, Shreveport, LA. In her free time she loves making coffe, reading, hiking, crocheting, and spending time with her chocolate lab, Roux.

Joel Harrison, Coordinator for Senior Living Satellite Ministries
Joel Harrison served for 39 years as the Associational Missionary and Executive Director of Atlanta Metro Baptist Association. Joel was ordained to Gospel Ministry at Columbia Drive Baptist Church in Decatur at the request of First Baptist Church Chickamauga, Georgia in 1973. Joel and his wife, Georgianne, have been members of Smoke Rise Baptist Church since 1979. Joel previously served as part-time staff at Smoke Rise when Dr. Truett Gannon was Senior Pastor.
Joel brings years of experience working with congregations of all sizes and with diverse backgrounds and histories. His work with Senior Living Satellite Ministries includes a chaplain-like ministry that fosters connection with and pastoral care for adults in senior living communities.

Martha Abner
Office Administrative Assistant

Denise Burcham
Director of Academy of Arts

Lynne Ginn
Music Admin. Asst./Wedding Coordinator

Ashley Litzell
Communications Director

Teri Moore
Pastoral Administrative Assistant

Antowyn Smith
Facilities Manager

Karen Stitt
Hostess Assistant

Lou Tankersley
Church Hostess

Rashette Walker
Weekday School Director