Sundays at Smoke Rise

The service begins at 11:00 am, and then is available throughout the week.

Zoom Sunday school beings at 9:45 am.

Our weekly publication includes the Order of Worship and newsletter.

We are excited that you are here. Please let us know you are worshiping with us.


Live Stream

We begin streaming every Sunday at 10:30am and the service begins at 11:00am. We hope if you cannot join us in person, you can join us online!

If you would like to watch on Roku, Apple TV or Amazon Fire TV Stick please follow the steps below:
1) Download the Boxcast Channel
2) Click on “Search for Organizations”
3) Search “Smoke”
4) Click on the SRBC Logo at the bottom of the screen to access the SRBC Live Stream

Our service is also available on our Facebook page and our YouTube channel.

Press the play icon to view this week’s worship service.

Click here to view recent worship services or sermons.

Offertory Giving

We invite you to put your tithe in the offering plate. Click here to see all of the ways to give.


Adult Sunday School

Follow each week with an at home Sunday School lesson through Zoom if you are unable to attend in person.

To protect the security and safety of hybrid Sunday School classes using Zoom, please contact your Sunday school teacher for the meeting ID and password if you have not already received it. 

If you are not already connected with a class, please contact the church office, open Monday-Friday, to register.

Click here to see what class you would like to visit. Classes with hybrid Zoom options include: Faith Class, Berean Class, Pairs and Spares, Faith and Issues, The Seeker’s Class, The Discovery Class

We look forward to seeing you in Sunday School!

The Tie that Binds

The Order of Worship and Weekly Newsletter

Stay up to date on everything happening at Smoke Rise and stay connected to our congregation through prayer. If you are a streaming member and would like to be added to the Prayer List, please call our church office.

Visitor Card

Welcome to Smoke Rise Baptist Church! We are so glad that you are here. Please fill out the form below so that we can have a record of your attendance.

Please Select All That Apply

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