About Us
Our Family of Faith
Welcome to Smoke Rise Baptist Church! We are a welcoming family of faith that seeks to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. We are an inclusive church in the cooperative Baptist tradition. We freely receive others regardless of background, race, gender, or social status by celebrating our differences and focusing on what unites us. We are a growing church, open to new members, committed to building relationships, and focused on making life-long disciples by broadening and deepening our understanding and practice of faith in action. We are a worshipping church that embraces thoughtful and creative worship experiences in a traditional style. We are a caring church that values pastoral ministry, personal touch, and congregational care. We are a connected church that seeks to minister across generations through small groups, special events, and a variety of fellowship opportunities. We are a mission-minded church with long-standing partnerships with local, domestic and international missions.
After exploring this website, please feel free to contact any staff member by phone or email with any questions you may have. There is also a “Contact Us” link you may find useful. We welcome the opportunity to discover how we can serve you and how your gifts can be used to serve others with us.
Our Values
We embrace worship that is thoughtful and creative in a traditional style. Worship is entered into each week to spiritually challenge and inspire our family of faith to answer the call to love and to invite others to follow with us in the footsteps of Jesus. We also recognize that worship reaches beyond Sunday morning and seek to nurture reverence in life and faithful devotion to God in our everyday lives.
As we seek to understand what the Bible meant to those who were inspired by God to write it, we are challenged to consider how God is still speaking to us in our own time through their testimony. As we connect with each other through learning opportunities, we strengthen our Christian resolve to love one another. As we practice personal devotion, reflection and prayer, we experience God’s grace in our lives.
We care for one another in times of sickness, sorrow and need, and to do the same in our community through the relationships we form with others. Through pastoral care and a shared congregational commitment to personal touch, we strive to actively serve those who are sick, bereaved, lonely or feeling lost.
We believe that everyone is called to be a minister and everyone has a place to serve on mission. Everyday life is our mission field and all our members are challenged to play a role in God’s work through our church. We have deep, personal and long-standing relationships with ministry and mission partners in our community, our state, throughout our country, and around the world. Together we share in a labor of love.
We strive to live generously as a church family by giving our time, talents, tithes and offerings to support and sustain the ministries and mission of our church. We are blessed with large facilities, beautiful worship spaces, and a spacious church campus. We seek to be good stewards of what God has given us, and recognize that shared generosity is essential to sustain the daily work of our church.
Visitor Card
Welcome to Smoke Rise Baptist Church! We are so glad that you are here. Please fill out the form below to learn more about our church family.