
Sunday School

Sunday School at Smoke Rise is a vital part of our church.  Members in these classes make life long connections and friendships that provide love and support through all life stages and events.  This time together on Sunday mornings provides for quality bible study and the exploration of faith as well as fellowship that builds community.  We believe that life and faith are part of a journey best done in a community of love and grace.  We welcome you to be part of one of these Sunday School groups!

Find A Class

All classes begin at 9:45am on Sunday Mornings. For help finding where a class meets, come by the Welcome Desk on the second floor of the Sanctuary building or the lower gym level between 9:30-10:00am on Sunday mornings.


Location: Room 223

Age: 70+

All are welcome in our unique class. We rotate our teaching and refreshments for each Sunday. We have about 20 members who participate in the teaching rotation and the rest rotate the refreshments. Occasionally, we have someone present a series of lessons that we think will be of interest to our members. Our class is blessed with good teachers, many of whom are seminary trained. We try to have several socials during the year. One of the most popular is our annual Christmas Dinner. We are a large class and try to make sure we keep in touch with all our members. We divide our class into groups and assign a group captain to that group. Our mission activities include regular support for Lilburn and Stone Mountain Cooperative ministries, Developmental Disability Ministry, and Family Initiative Residences. Bible study, fellowship with God and each other are our primary emphases. Come visit with us. If you’re not pleased, come back again next week…it will be different! 

The Journey

Location: Room 131

Age: 65+

This class primarily includes empty nesters and baby boomers. Teachers rotate, offering variety in teaching and approach to lessons, All lessons are scripture based, with life application. The class’s goal is to support one another through life’s changes and challenges. We participate in missions by supporting various special projects. 


Location: Room 310

Age: All Ages

 This class focuses on an in depth study of the Bible. The format is informal and informational with lots of discussion. Our discussions usually center around two main questions: what did the text mean when it was written and what does it mean today? The class aims to not only study the Bible, but to apply it to their lives. 

Faith & Issues

Location: Room 125

Age: All ages welcome

This diverse group discusses various topics and current events from a Christian perspective. Open to anyone who likes to think about and explore the relevant issues of our day. Persons are welcome to be a permanent member of the class or just drop in for a particular topic. 

Our Statement of Purpose: We seek to be a community which is intentional about learning how to follow Jesus in a changing and challenging world. We believe in the worth of every person, openness to diverse views, and – as an essential part of a growing faith – a willingness to ask questions. 

Class Theme: Following Jesus in a Changing and Challenging World. 

Open Circle

Location: Room 306

Age: 30s – 50s

Our class is a community of young families who are exploring life and faith together.

Young Adults

Location: Room 308

Age: 18-32

Our class also meets at other times for Bible study and fellowship events. To learn more click here.


Location: Room 310

Age: 50+

 The Cross Roads class is made up of married and single adults. We are a spiritual and social class looking for guidance and support from our God, our church, and our Christian peers as we navigate the challenges of daily life. Our desire as a class is to continue to grow in our spiritual maturity and to create strong relationships to build and support our church and each other. 

Pairs & Spares

Location: Room 126

Age: 65+

 This class is considered coed rather than a couples class. The class style is Bible lessons with free discussion. We enjoy being together and usually plan an annual retreat and a variety of socials. We participate in a variety of mission projects and sponsor children with needs, and other special projects that come our way. 

Joy Class

Location: Room 309

Age: 80’s

This women’s class focuses on studying the Bible and is a blend of lecture and discussion. It is a loving and caring class that supports one another through prayer partners.


Location: Room 115

Age: 75+

 This is a very friendly class that offers love and support to one another. It is a traditional class where lecture style teaching is used and discussion is encouraged. As a class, we support mission projects and a family during Christmas. 

The Faith Class

Location: Room 116

Age: Couples 50+

 If you are looking for a class that constantly attempts to apply Biblical principles to life, then you are invited to be our guests. We are a loving caring class that treasures our quarterly social times together. We look forward to seeing you. 


Location: Room 106

Age: All Ages

 Our class is a mixture of both couples and singles that enjoy an open discussion format, studying the Bible as a guide to understanding contemporary issues relating to life as a Christian. The group’s diversity in spiritual and religious philosophies helps class members to understand their own spiritual growth. Socials are scheduled to provide a chance to get to know each other better. We invite you to join us for lively discussions with diverse opinions! 


For questions about classes, please contact Rebecca Caswell-Speight by clicking the button below.

Going Deeper

Spiritual Formation Opportunities for Adults

Smoke Rise Adult Ministry goes beyond Sunday School and Wednesday night to provide additional opportunities for adults to grow in their spiritual lives. These might include retreats, nature hikes, contemplative worship experiences or discussion groups. These opportunities will be advertised in our publications.

Journeys Wednesday Night Program

Smoke Rise Baptist Church wants to provide its members and community with a variety of learning opportunities to help them on their Journey. Every 4 to 6 weeks from August to May we offer new classes that are designed to appeal to different audiences. Refer to calendar for class descriptions.

Click here for articles describing the current sessions. Refer to the calendar for the most up to date information.

Women’s Ministry Circle Groups

All women of the church are invited to participate in one of these circle groups that meet monthly (September through May) to plan mission projects and for fellowship.

Fite Circle

All ages welcome.

Meets 2nd Tuesdays of the month at 10:00 am.

Contact: Alecia Reed

Sadies Ladies Circle

All ages welcome.

Meets on the second Monday of the month at 1:30 pm in room 223.

Contact: Lois Jernigan
Home 770-934-3005
Cell 678-438-6658

Stitchers Circle

All ages welcome.

This group meets the third Tuesday of the month at 5:00 pm in room 304. They make quilts for newborn babies in the church and for organizations in need. “Caring” quilts are also given to members who are homebound, in nursing homes, or severely ill. 

Contact: Jan Sloan

The Breakfast Club Circle

This group is for empty nesters.

Meets on the second Saturday at 8:30 am for breakfast.

Contact: Cathy Decuir

Men's Prayer Lunch

Once a month we gather to enjoy food and fellowship, followed by a time of prayer for those in our community and in our world.

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