Our Church Calendar
Things to Note for July 4th
Join us this Sunday, July 4th for Sunday School at 9:45 AM and at 11:00 AM in the fellowship hall for a worship service led by Rev. Gerry Hutchinson, retired U.S. Navy Reserve Chaplain. Following the service a brief version of Patriotic Pops will be presented as tribute to our military branches.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to a once in a 30-year-fix on the sanctuary air conditioning unit, our service will be moved to the fellowship hall. We are indeed grateful that our equipment has held up for so long and that we are able to have this major repair work completed.
Blessings for a safe and happy holiday.
If you have any questions, please contact our church office at 770.469.5856
Weekly Schedule
Online Sunday School: To view the full class list and times click here
In-Person Sunday School: 9:45 am, click here to see where your class will be meeting
In-Person Worship: 11:00 am
Livestream Worship: 11:00 am, click here to join
In-Person Youth Choir
Prayer Concerns Video: Click here to view