Building Hope and Healing

Building Hope and Healing

Smoke Rise’s New Counseling Ministry for a Community in Need by Bart McNiel, Associate Pastor In late 2023, our senior pastor shared with the ministry staff his conviction that our church should be working to minister to families in our community who have experienced...
From the Pastor

From the Pastor

A Season to Sing By Chris George, Senior Pastor Christmas is a season for the senses.  There are the smells of the season like fresh cut pine, peppermint sticks and pumpkin pie. Our eyes feast on the sights of the seasons with our homes and the stores in which we shop...
Mission Trip to GAP

Mission Trip to GAP

Men’s Mission Trip God’s Appalachian Partnership (GAP) has been a ministry partner with Smoke Rise since 2006, with our church having sent teams every year since our partnership began. Located in rural eastern Kentucky, GAP ministers to their “families” by...
Celebrating Community and Compassion

Celebrating Community and Compassion

50 Years of Metro Baptist’s Mission in NYC This year, Metro Baptist Church, New York City, celebrates its 50th anniversary—a testament to five decades of transformative ministry in the heart of Hell’s Kitchen. This is a church Smoke Rise Baptist has long supported. We...
The Gifts of Christmas

The Gifts of Christmas

End-of-Year Stewardship Campaign November 17 – December 31Goal: $500,000 Ways to Give MailGive the traditional way by check or cash each week through the mail or in the offering plate. TextGive through text, by texting “givesrbc” to 73256 followed by...
A CrossTie Devotional

A CrossTie Devotional

I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness     and rivers in the desert. – Isaiah 43:19 – When I moved to Atlanta in 2022, I felt so attached to this verse. I put it on Post-it notes in...

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